4 Strategies To Help You Achieve Your Property Goals in 2022

Buyers agent Sydney

Buyers are kicking off 2022 with a bang, despite the turbulent growth in house prices we saw at the end of 2021…

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CBA Forecasts a 10% Drop in House Prices in 2023

Buyers agent Sydney

It seems our ‘smoking hot’ property market is cooling due to higher borrowing costs and ‘natural fatigue’, says CBA…

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What the Mortgage?

Buyers agent Sydney

Like pulling together the savings to buy your first home wasn’t enough of a challenge, then in come the banks bamboozling you with their jargon. Well, breathe a sigh of relief, in 5 minutes you can learn the key terms you need to know when applying for your home loan…

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Rents plummet in cities due to COVID

Buyers agent Sydney

COVID has been a real mixed bag for landlords across the country. While landlords in coastal locations and lifestyle suburbs have tenants knocking at their front doors, landlords in city locations are being forced to lower rents…

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COVID lockdowns and the housing market

Buyers agent Sydney

We’ve all had just about enough of the ol’ lockdown. And as Sydney enters another week, things are feeling a little grim, but the good news is the housing market will keep on keeping on, just in a whole new way…

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No Interest Rate Hike Before 2024? Yehaa!

Buyers agent Sydney

This could be good news for borrowers. Maybe. The RBA still expects there won’t be an official rate rise until at least 2024, flying in the face of economists at major banks predicting an earlier rise…

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Proposed Property Forecasts Australia-Wide

Buyers agent Sydney

With COVID restrictions loosening across most of Australia, there has been a rise in homebuyers reconsidering their work, property and everyday living situations. And what timing, with our Aussie banks suggesting a positive outlook for property for the remainder of 2021…

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Time for an upgrade? Top things to consider.

Buyers agent Sydney

Congrats! You’re moving up in the world. Not only have you ticked off that ever so challenging first-home purchase, you’re doing so well that you can afford a little more space or a better location. Go you…

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Housing (Un)Affordability

Buyers agent Sydney

Remember hearing that famous political gaffe “just get a good job that pays good money” – then you’ll be able to buy a home? An uninspiring, base-level thing for any politician to say, however, there was some validity to his statement – especially in today’s soaring market…

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