5 ways to make your home look fresh and funky this spring

Feeling uninspired by your surrounds? Tired of the same ol’ décor and accessories? Sounds like you need a few sensible and easy-to-achieve tips to spruce up your home in time for Spring!


Add colour

If you look around your rooms and your first thought is, “borrrring!” you may be in desperate need of a splash of colour.

Colour gives vibrancy to a room or living space. It has the power to evoke a mood or help create an energised atmosphere where it would otherwise struggle, so keep in mind when adding colour that you don’t need to make a statement with big feature walls or brightly coloured furniture. The changes you make can be minute and they’ll still make a huge difference.

Small decorative items such as candles, quirky coffee table books, photo frames or even appliances (think toasters, desktop fans and the like) can add the much-needed colour to your room to make it more exciting and visually appealing.

Try a colour scheme that works for you! Whether it’s bold colours, pastels or you decide to stick with one colour in a variety of shades, look for bits and pieces you want to display in your home or room in a colour that best reflects you.


Make it metallic

Ooh, this one’s a bit fancy… gee I love a good metallic finish! I always feel that a touch of reflective gold, silver or copper to an interior makes for a luxurious look and feel.

Why not try elevating your space with subtle changes, such as swapping out your dull kitchen cabinet handles for brushed metals or changing your tired, old light fittings for truly decorative styles such as golden candle holders?

Take a good look around your home and pay attention to detail. I mean, no-one is looking at your cabinet handles or light fittings – but that’s the point. Make these functional fixtures the feature of your room with subtle changes like this. The best part? It won’t break the bank!


Feature great art

If you’re into curating fabulous art for your home, this one’s a no-brainer. But if you’re like many homeowners I know, you like your art to reflect your personality.

Did you consider yourself a bit of an artist back in the day? Still got that sketch or painting that you personally prized, but never had the courage to display. Now’s the time to make your home office, bedroom, living space or hallway stand out with handmade pieces by you! I’ve done this. Unapologetically be YOU.

If that’s not up your alley and you’re not ready to spend a fortune on a high-end piece of art (how many of us are?), make a trip down to your local second-hand dealer or even take a quick squiz in the nearest department or discount store where you’re sure to pick up a bargain!


Table toppers matter

Dining tables. We’ve all got ‘em, but let’s face it – most of us just don’t bother dressing them up! Let’s turn the tables (so to speak) and give our dining tables a make-over with table toppers that look a million bucks – but cost under 20.

Here’s a quick fix: add a vase and some fresh flowers for a beautiful, aromatic look and feel! You could even opt for faux flowers if yours aren’t ready to be picked yet. Create an interesting focal point by throwing together some fauna from different parts of the world, such as Australian bush shrubbery with Japanese honeysuckle. Gorgeous!

Tablecloths are still the quickest and easiest way to freshen up your room though. They can be super affordable, or you can go all out and grab a luxurious style to give your dinner or breakfast table a certain je ne sais quoi.


Tell a story… with trinkets

If you’re a world traveller or even an armchair traveller, you may have some stunning little trinkets you want to show off around your home.

Spend some time sorting through your collectables box and pick out the objects that mean most to you, whether it’s a curious ornament from your trip abroad, or a handmade photo frame your bestie made for you in high school. These are the pieces that tell your story and give your home that real ‘lived in’ feel. Have fun with it and see what you come up with!

So, what do you think? What changes are you going to make on your journey towards a fresher, funkier home this winter? Whatever the changes, remember that simplicity is key to making quick changes that won’t cost an arm and a leg to achieve!