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Property: Unit
Attributes: 2 bed 1 bath 1 car
Purpose: First Home buyer purchase
Acquired Via: Pre-auction offer
Time to Acquisition: 7 weeks from service engagement

When you’re looking for your very first place to call home you want to ensure you make the right decision and don’t end up buying a money pit. You also don’t wish to overpay and give away your hard earned money for nothing.

This is why our client sought our services – to make sure their purchase was optimised in every way possible!

Our acquisition was not easy, it very much took tactical skill and patience in variegating getting the deal over the line before auction day. The team at Kitty & Miles worked tirelessly to make sure our client could get a bargain – even in a low stock market!

The result? A very happy first home buyer whom didn’t need to settle for anything other than the perfect place to call their home – and at the right price too!

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