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phillip, a.c.t.

Property: Apartment
Attributes: 1 bed 1 bath 1 car
Purpose: Residential
Acquired Via: Private Treaty Sale
Time to Acquisition: 4 weeks and 2 days from service engagement

When taking on solo parent clients there is an extra layer that is often unspoken – knowing the property purchase is needing to be part of a one-parent wealth creation strategy for the family.

We do not take this situation lightly. It often involves a nervous client whom has a lot invested in the purchase, financially and emotionally. The level of emotional support is often greater than the average client as the solo-parent client leans on the buyers agent to ensure they are making a smart decision.

This property purchase was one of deep importance to our single mom and we ensured every step of the process was supportive and warm. A legacy in the making for her children!

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