Care for your front yard and add value to your home

Ever rocked up to an open home with high hopes, only to feel a little deflated when, as you walk up the garden path, you notice…

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Tackling homelessness from a real estate perspective

We’ve all seen homeless people as we go about our daily lives and most, if not all of us, have wondered at some point how they got to this point…

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Downsizing: here’s what you need to know

You don’t need to be a retiree to be in the market for a downsizer property. After all, it’s quality over quantity, right? It’s 2022, and many homeowners have had an awakening over the last two years: preponderant properties don’t necessarily mean happier homes…

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Homebuyers Embrace The Tree-Change Trend In 2022

Buyers agent Sydney

In the past, it was a sea change people lusted for, but in recent years, homebuyers are honing in on a tree-change, seeking a better quality of life with a natural backdrop…

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Kitty & Miles 2021 Property Market Review

Buyers agent Sydney

With the ups and downs of an erratic market now behind us, what better time to take a glance back at the property market to better prepare us for the year ahead…

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The demand for high-end homes is at an all-time high

Buyers agent Sydney

Being stuck indoors for the better part of a year has inspired many of us to renovate, redecorate or simply move the furniture around within our homes for a fresher feel. And for others, it has motivated the desire to move into a larger, grander home…

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Six Top Tips for Homeschooling

Buyers Agent Sydney

If you are home schooling a child of any age during lockdown, power to you. It is no mean feat. Not only are you battling the ups and downs of lockdown, you’re managing to take on a role you have very little experience in. Here are a few tips that may help…

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