4 Strategies To Help You Achieve Your Property Goals in 2022

Buyers agent Sydney

Buyers are kicking off 2022 with a bang, despite the turbulent growth in house prices we saw at the end of 2021…

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The demand for high-end homes is at an all-time high

Buyers agent Sydney

Being stuck indoors for the better part of a year has inspired many of us to renovate, redecorate or simply move the furniture around within our homes for a fresher feel. And for others, it has motivated the desire to move into a larger, grander home…

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Should I upgrade, refinance, or both while rates are low?

Buyers agent Sydney

Right now, the property market is booming! Homeowners are getting some great returns when it comes to selling their properties, and there are also some good options to be found for those looking to upgrade to a larger or more valuable home…

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Time for an upgrade? Top things to consider.

Buyers agent Sydney

Congrats! You’re moving up in the world. Not only have you ticked off that ever so challenging first-home purchase, you’re doing so well that you can afford a little more space or a better location. Go you…

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