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Five Things to Look Out for When Viewing a House as a Home Buyer

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Buying a house is one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make, both financially and emotionally. Therefore, it’s important to make an informed decision and ensure that the home you’re buying truly fits your needs and requirements. In this article, I’ll deep dive into the things to look out for when you’re viewing a house as a home buyer. I’ll cover everything from location and price to the physical condition of the house. So, let’s jump in!


Location is Key

The location of a house is one of the most important aspects to consider. It’s important to make sure that the location of the house is convenient for your daily routine, whether that be commuting to work, running errands or going to the corner store. Also, take into consideration the safety of the neighborhood, local amenities and schools. According to a recent international study, 78% of home buyers consider neighborhood quality more important than the size of the home.


Physical Condition of the House

Before making an offer on a house, it’s important to check the physical condition of the property to avoid potential future expenses from significant repairs. Look for signs of water
damage on the walls and ceilings, check the condition of the roof, windows, doors and appliances. Many homes have at least one negative issue that needs to be addressed.


House Size and Layout

The size and layout of the house should be practical for your family’s needs. Think about the size of your family, future plans such as starting a family or accommodating elderly parents,
and what type of activities you’ll be doing in your home. The floor plan of the house should flow well and allow for natural light. If you’d like to extend or add additional items, such as a
swimming pool, ensure these can be factored into the current block size too.


Price and Resale Potential

Purchasing a house is a significant financial investment. It’s important to make sure that the house is priced properly and falls within your budget. You should also consider the resale potential of the house in case you need to sell it in the future. If you’re unsure how to accurate appraise the value of a home yourself (and hey, it’s not as easy as it appears) then engaging the services of a professional Buyers Agent, such as yours truly, can be hugely beneficial.


Other Factors

Lastly, consider external factors such as noise, natural light, and the orientation of the house. For example, a house that faces North can result in lower heating bills in colder months by allowing natural light to warm the home. Also, pay attention to the details of the house such as the condition of the floors, walls, and ceilings.


Purchasing a home is an exciting time in your life, and it’s important to take the time to make the right decision. By following the tips listed above, you are well on your way to finding your dream home. Keep in mind that every house buying experience is unique, and each decision to purchase a home should be well thought out and take into consideration your individual needs, preferences, and financial situation. If you’re feeling stuck or out of your depth, a Property Buyers Agent at Kitty & Miles may be your saving grace! Just email usbat: Happy house hunting!

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