Rents plummet in cities due to COVID

Buyers agent Sydney

COVID has been a real mixed bag for landlords across the country. While landlords in coastal locations and lifestyle suburbs have tenants knocking at their front doors, landlords in city locations are being forced to lower rents…

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Negative Interest Rates a Real Possibility

Buyers agent Sydney

As Australians keep entering lockdown right across the country, we may expect negative interest rates on home loans. It’s an economic consequence that may bizarrely see house prices rise even more…

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COVID lockdowns and the housing market

Buyers agent Sydney

We’ve all had just about enough of the ol’ lockdown. And as Sydney enters another week, things are feeling a little grim, but the good news is the housing market will keep on keeping on, just in a whole new way…

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How covid has changed the world property market

Buyers agent Sydney

Since we’ve been locked out of the rest of the world, we’ve pretty much focussed on our own little bubble and property market here. But let’s have a look at how COVID has affected different property markets around the world…

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