What the Mortgage?

Buyers agent Sydney

Like pulling together the savings to buy your first home wasn’t enough of a challenge, then in come the banks bamboozling you with their jargon. Well, breathe a sigh of relief, in 5 minutes you can learn the key terms you need to know when applying for your home loan…

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Rents plummet in cities due to COVID

Buyers agent Sydney

COVID has been a real mixed bag for landlords across the country. While landlords in coastal locations and lifestyle suburbs have tenants knocking at their front doors, landlords in city locations are being forced to lower rents…

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Time for an upgrade? Top things to consider.

Buyers agent Sydney

Congrats! You’re moving up in the world. Not only have you ticked off that ever so challenging first-home purchase, you’re doing so well that you can afford a little more space or a better location. Go you…

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FOMO in Today’s Housing Market

Buyers agent Sydney

It’s 2021 and FOMO is at an all-time high here in Sydney’s property market. If the acronym is unfamiliar to you, you’re in a position of envy. FOMO – or ‘fear of missing out’ is running rampant in the property sector right now, with bank interest at an all-time low and more buyers actively looking for a home than is readily available in the market…

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Early Learning Options Driving Suburb Growth

Buyers agent Sydney

For a long time, suburbs with great public schools have driven up property prices as parents scamper into the catchment zone before their little ones hit prep. Nowadays, working parents are thinking earlier with many seeking properties near excellent early learning facilities…

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8 Simple Tips for Better Rental Returns

Buyers agent Sydney

Whether you’re new to this investment property business or have been playing landlord for a little while now, this is required reading. You’ll learn some straight up simple ways to maximise your profits. It all starts with some careful, strategic forward planning…

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