Kitty & Miles 2021 Property Market Review

Buyers agent Sydney

With the ups and downs of an erratic market now behind us, what better time to take a glance back at the property market to better prepare us for the year ahead…

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CBA Forecasts a 10% Drop in House Prices in 2023

Buyers agent Sydney

It seems our ‘smoking hot’ property market is cooling due to higher borrowing costs and ‘natural fatigue’, says CBA…

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The demand for high-end homes is at an all-time high

Buyers agent Sydney

Being stuck indoors for the better part of a year has inspired many of us to renovate, redecorate or simply move the furniture around within our homes for a fresher feel. And for others, it has motivated the desire to move into a larger, grander home…

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Women in Business

Buyers agent Sydney

Women in business are fast growing up through the ranks. It’s been a matter of time and maturation, and now we are seeing more and more examples of women in high powered positions and leading with success and flair. It’s encouraging and empowering to see…

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Empowered and Strong Women… What are Their Secrets?

Buyers agent Sydney

It’s a powerful statement. Stirring and empowering. That dream we’ve always had, if we have the courage and are brave enough to start it, we will succeed…

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Six Top Tips for Homeschooling

Buyers Agent Sydney

If you are home schooling a child of any age during lockdown, power to you. It is no mean feat. Not only are you battling the ups and downs of lockdown, you’re managing to take on a role you have very little experience in. Here are a few tips that may help…

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Female Leadership and Innovation

Buyers agent Sydney

We are exposed to a variety of leadership styles from the time we enter the workforce in casual after-school employment right through to the day we announce our retirement. While some inspire us to thrive, others lack that certain je ne sais quoi…

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Proud moment! Up for a National Award from the Real Estate Institute of Australia

Buyers agent Sydney

Every year, REIA recognises the best of the best in Australian real estate. In case you’re not familiar with the REIA (The Real Estate Institute of Australia), it’s the national voice for the real estate profession, first established in 1942…

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